Friday, April 3, 2015

Women in Television

Ilenny Nunez

Professor Santos

 April 3, 2015

Blog Entry #10


                                                       Women in Television

            This week in class we discussed the topic of women in television. In specific today we talked about how rare it is that in TV there is not a lot of diversity when it comes to ethnicity and also events that are more realistic.  In class we also discussed an article called Girls, Girls, Girls and the author mentions how TV never really shows the life of a girl growing up and I personally think that this is really hard to do because they don’t only have to show the girls growing up but also they have to make sure that if fits all audience because not everyone comes from the same background or is interest in the same things so it will be hard to make sure that all the girls have a connection with the program.

Another thing that was mentioned in class is how TV is not as realistic as we will like it too, but the author mentioned one TV show in specific that is called Girls she mentions how she liked the fact that this show was realistic because she could see everything like as it was based on real life in other words; like for example she mentions how this girl in the show has baby daddy problems and how they fight and then one day they just had sex in the front sit of a car. I honestly think that this is a little realistic because this is something that I can see happening in real life.

In another hand I personally believe that TV shows would be better if they had more diversity because I mentioned before not everyone has the same ethnicity or background; and it’s like I mentioned in class one of the TV show were we can see a little of diversity is in the TV show Orange is The New Black, but at the same time I don’t agree with the way how they made this TV show because it was in a jail and I was just thinking why they have to imply something that is not always right because they could honestly made a similar program about something else that doesn’t make people have the impression that Black Women, Hispanics etc, are always doing the wrong things for a better future. So again I will honestly would like to see more realistic TV shows and more ethnicities in the program because this will also help the TV with their audience.

1 comment:

  1. I find it very interesting that you point out Orange is the New Black. I always thought it was an incredibly well done show regarding diversity of women, however it never occurred to me to criticize the fact that it was set in a prison. As far as I am aware, Orange is the New Black is based off a true story of real women, so it never occurred to me to criticize the show. While I think you make a very good point, I think it's important to realize that this was a real story based on real women, and I don't think that should be overlooked.
