Friday, April 10, 2015

Women In Reality TV Shows

Morgan Bilodeau
Blog 11
Women in Reality TV

            In class this week we talked about women in reality TV shows. How they are often represented in stereotypical ways. Such as a ho, trashy, irritable, vicious …etc.  Some TV shows we looked into were Basketball Wives and Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta. These reality TV shoes are horrible. They had women fighting each other and getting in extreme verbal fights. This isn’t how women actually act…at all. I used to watch them when I was a teenager in middle school and I used to love watching them. They entertained me for hours, but now looking back at them, I’m disgusted by the way the use these stereotypes to portray women in the real world. They veer the way the women on the shows are actually acting to make more drama and make the actors out to be something that they are not. They do this for advertising and to try to get people hooked to watching their TV show. Women don’t actually act like this at all; the TV shows make women out to be drama obsessed, tacky women. I think that the reality TV shows need to start truly showing what women are really like, how woman actually act in the real world. That’s what the public actually wants to see and that’s what I would love to see. So also in class this week we did an assignment where we had to pick a women in our lives that showed us what it means to be a real women in the real world. I thought this assignment was amazing. I loved hearing about everyone else’s stories that they shared with their moms, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, …etc.  I chose my sister for this assignment and she has shown me and paved the way for me of what its like to be a real women in this world. Women need to stop being portrayed in these ways and I’m waiting for the day where it stops.

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