Friday, April 10, 2015

Blog Post 10

Caroline Stevens
Women and
Professor Santos

                      This week in class we discussed women in reality TV. Reality TV are shows like Jersey Shore, The Real World on MTV, The Bachelor, Teen Mom and Keeping up with the Kardashians. In reality TV shows the actors in the show are not being themselves. It seems like that they have a different personality when they are on TV to create drama which makes the show interesting for viewers to watch. The women on these shows may act different because they want to be famous and start a career for themselves. Jersey Shore was and still is a great show to watch. I used to watch it all the time because in every episode there was drama between all the women. That was the entertaining part to watch because at times the women would fight each other or get in fights with people at the bar. Obviously  I know that the actors are just putting on a scene for attention and to make the show receive a lot of viewers. I enjoy watching Teen Mom, but you do not know if these women got pregnant to be on the show and to get money or just because they actually got pregnant. Teen mom is a great show to watch, but what is the show trying to tell viewers? To get pregnant because it is great having a child or to not get pregnant and watch the moms go through difficult times raising a child. There are young girls who are 10,11 or 12 and are watching shows like Teen Mom and they do not know what to think. They think that if they get pregnant it will be the same situation for them. When some watch Jersey Shore, is that what they think life will be like when they grow up? They start to think about different situations and how to deal with them now when they start to grow up. Do not get me wrong I enjoy watching Reality TV, because there are some situations that may happen in real life and it does teach people how to deal with certain situations. Older women who are on Reality TV shows need to learn that there are younger women all over the world who are watching them on these shows and they look absolutely ridiculous. They are acting crazy, partying every night, getting in fights and getting with different guys every other day. It is getting to points where last year in school I would walk into the cafeteria and I would see 2 girls fighting each other and pulling their hair and punching each other in the face. The real world should not be like that. No girls should be fighting each other about stupid things. Producers need to realize before making more reality TV shows, that these shows are not real, but they know that it is something that us as viewers enjoy to watch. With these women on the TV shows, they reveal every problem in their life. Some may be lies because it causes more drama for the show but some may be real. These producers of all reality TV shows are smart because they are getting people that they know we will enjoy to watch on TV. Whether the TV shows are fake and not real life situations, I will always enjoy watching them.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Teen Mom can be sending the wrong message to younger girls. It might lead them to think that getting pregnant at a young age is normal if they idolize the women on the show, or they want to be "famous"
