Caroline Stevens
Women and Pop Culture
This week in class we discussed women in television and how they can play a big part in todays society. It is interesting to see women actually take the role instead of the men or seeing women do the same things men do. It is also interesting to see what we as consumers do not notice what the television show is actually portraying or the message that is it trying to tell us. In my all time favorite TV show, Law and Order SVU it shows a female character Olivia Benson, who deals with a lot of tough cases but is able to do them just like her partner Elliot Stabler. Sometimes he says Olivia stay back I got this, but Olivia is capable of doing things on her own and she likes to take the lead in some cases. Olivia is a very tough and smart character. Men do not realize that women are actually capable of doing the same exact things as they are. Another example is a TV show called Cops. There are girl cops all over the world. They are able to arrest criminals and tackle them and take them down. Again, most people do not see the side of women who can do that sort of thing. Men do not believe in women. By showing them what women are actually capable of doing, it gives women a good look. In movies, or TV shows people think women are supposed to dress nice, look pretty and do girl things. By showing Law and Order shows or cops, that is not what being a women is. Women need jobs to live to and they are not always stay at home moms who need to clean, cook dinner and take care of the kids. Another show I really liked and thought that it was different was Orange Is the New Black. I started watching that and was surprised because it was a show that had different women who were different sizes than one another, and a different race. You do not see that often so it was good to see a TV show where women of all kinds were out together, some getting along, some not but they spent their time together in jail trying to be friendly with one another. Another TV show is Mean Girls. In this movie, their are many different "groups" and clicks. There are the plastics, nerd kids, etc. This movie is interesting because yes there are guys in this movie, but there is mostly women who are taking charge and running things. The point here is that women are capable of doing anything. We are tough and able to do the same exact things as men but they do not see it that way. These shows and movies tell us that there are women all over the world who look different, are a different race and are different sizes. All women are not a size 0 and skinny and pretty looking. We accept who we are, and that is it. Men have no reason to judge women and make fun of us for what we do because we can do anything that men can do without any problem.
I totally agree with you, We must of the time see women on TV playing the role of the victim, when they could be playing the role of the offender, I also think that women are capable of doing anything they proposed themselves to do, they can do it. It just take courage to have it done.