Friday, April 17, 2015

Mindy Kaling

Chelsea Morganelli
Professor Mellissa Santos
EN 199-003
17 April 2015
Blog Entry 12

            This week in class we read two chapters from Mindy Kaling’s book. I have always been a huge fan of Mindy ever since she was on The Office as Kelly Kapoor. Now she has her own TV show and plays a doctor in it. Being a doctor can be a very empowering role for women because many think of a doctor as male not female. Mindy is hysterically funny and I enjoyed reading these two chapters very much.

            One of the chapters I related to is “When You’re Not Skinny This Is What People Want You To Wear”. In this chapter Mindy is at a photoshoot and all of the dresses are a size zero. First of all, the fact that the stylist only brought size zero dresses shocked me. It’s his job to know who he is dressing and what type of body they have. Mindy says in the chapter that she is “normal American woman size” and that stylists hate to dress her size. I think stylists may just be too used to dressing size zero celebrities. The media puts too much focus on body image and that’s not a good thing. I look up to Mindy because she isn’t a size zero, she’s a normal woman. Normal women aren’t size zeroes and that’s not a bad thing. At the photoshoot she took charge and made them cut open a dress she really liked so she could fit in it. I’m glad she stood up for herself and showed that she is strong.


  1. I agree with this because Mindy Kaling is a hysterical person and I enjoyed reading her articles. I also agreed on the whole dress issue. Why would you not have any other sizes? I liked how she stood up for herself and made the tailor rip the dress open. That's a great lesson for girls who feel like they can't stand up for themselves.

  2. it is ridiculous that they only brought size zero dresses. it is unfair to assume that everyone should just be that size. Body image isn't everything but that is what the media makes it out to be

  3. Not everyone is the same body type and I find it kind of appalling that people don't even think to bring other sizes.
