Friday, April 10, 2015

Blog Post 10

Hannah Dickie
Blog Post 10
Women in Reality TV

            Reality TV is something that can be seen on almost any television network in some way or another, whether it’s the real world on MTV, the bachelor on ABC, or survivor on CBS. Reality TV depicts many different scenarios on television, but one thing remains the same, the women are not acting like normal people. The women depict the different stereotypes out there, and do not act like normal women. Why this happens could be because the women are on television and want future careers in the entertainment industry, there’s alcohol being provided by the producers, or the scenes are being carefully chosen by the directors to make the show’s ratings grow. The women on these shows are literally crazy sometimes, so what makes us watch them when we know this would never happen in real life. One reason could be because they make us feel better about ourselves, another could be because in some weird way they can be entertaining to watch. However sometimes we forget that what we’re watching younger girls are always watching. They see the girls going crazy, drinking, fighting, and hooking up with guys they just meet. Older women know that that is not a reality that is a normal thing. Younger girls though don’t know that, what they see on TV is something they think is what the world will actually be like when they grow up. Is that something the youth should really be thinking about as they grow up? I don’t think so, I think more girls need positive role models to see, women who don’t act crazy so they can get their name out there and be remembered for something in a bad way. There should be more women on TV in powerful roles, showing real life situations that these girls might actually get into one day. They should also stop stereotyping women based on their race. The younger girls will get it in their heads that because they are a certain race they have to act a certain way. Women of different races should be shown just as strong and powerful as women of other races. I was lucky and had many strong women in my family that I was able to look up to and see what a women is in real life. For some girls they are not as lucky and the only type of women they really know are the women on TV. That is not sending out a very positive message to a very impressionable young girl. If reality TV doesn't change then it’s only going to continue to get worse, and the youth will start to show it by acting out like the people they see on TV. They’ll grow up wanting to be like some of the people on the shows, instead of being like someone who is actually working hard for a future, and not falling into their stereotypical role.    


  1. I agree, younger girls will grow up being influenced by these types of shows not knowing that real women don't act this way.

  2. I agree that some younger girls who do not have other women in their life to look up to may look up to these women on reality television because to them that is the norm.

  3. I personally know a few girls that wanted to get pregnant in high school so they could be a tv star. This is incredibly saddening because it means reality tv has impacted the way girls want to live. We definitely need to see more positive role models for young girls.
