2, 2015
Blog 10
In class this week we talked about
what we see on TV. But we focused on what us as girls see on TV and what we
would like to see on TV. We came to a conclusion that we barely see anything
that actually happens in real life on TV and that almost every TV show is the
same, depicting the same characters. We rarely see Asian and Hispanic girls/men
on TV. In class we read an excerpt from a book; the excerpt is called “ Girls,
Girls, Girls”. The author first starts
out talking about how TV shows can never fully portray growing up as a girl. I
think that everyone grows up differently and therefore not everyone is going to
be able to relate to that directors depiction of girlhood. Then the author goes
and talks about the HBO TV show called Girls.
She talks about how she loves the characters and how realistic everything
is. From their body sizes to the sex they’re having in their 20’s; it reminded
her of her 20”s. But then she goes on and says that the TV shows have so much
pressure to succeed. They have to do this and that to try and make it so that
everyone is happy with their show. I think that the TV shows lack diversity.
You rarely see an Asian on a TV show or a Hispanic but when you do it’s the
everyday depiction that you would think they would be. While white people play
all different kinds of parts in TV shows, they don’t just play one character.
This is why I think that TV shows lack diversity and in my opinion they need to
add more diversity in TV shows. But in reality no on is ever going to be
completely satisfied with what they are seeing on TV. So how could we fix that
and make everyone satisfied? Is that even possible?
I like how you mention that everyone grows up differently which is why its so hard to please everyone. I never really thought of it like that but it makes a lot of sense.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this. It's so hard to find any diversity on TV because almost everywhere you turn its only white people in the cast. You don't see any other types of culture. I also liked the questions at the end because they are general questions that we should be asking.