Friday, April 10, 2015

Women in Reality Television

Rachel Nee


                                                         Women in Reality Television

           This week we discussed women in reality television and the effects they can have on their viewers. We viewed clips from shows such as Flavor of Love, Love and Hip Hop, Basketball Wives and saw how groups of women act out towards each other. Whenever an issue would come up, the women would go at each other with derogatory terms and get physical with one another. They wouldn't let go of each other, they would continuously continue the fight until one of them felt they had won. It seems like a fight is always happening on an episode, or it's shown in the trailers for the next episode to attract viewers, notice how it's the negative footage not positive. This is because they know showing this type of material will catch people's attention, which it does and people watch it. I was guilty of watching a lot of these shows when they had been popular, I found the behavior to become annoying because it always seemed  as though there were swears and people going at it. What the producers don't realize about showing this material is that it has an influence on the young audience. Teenagers would take this behavior and bring it into issues they had with people taking that behavior and showing that aggression towards whoever they were picking a fight with. I noticed in my high school, the fights between girls especially would become violent. They would pull at each others hair, call each other names and everyone would just stand around and watch just like they do on television. For girls especially it isn't a good way for them to be displaying themselves for the world to see, some viewers find it funny watching these women go at each other, others like myself find this behavior silly, it's all a part of the show, they're being paid to show this type of behavior towards each other. To me, the fact that people find this entertaining just shows how low our society can become about how they show people, these girls fighting on the show don't realize that they are completely humiliating themselves. Looking back on the clips of the shows that I watched, I can't even believe I would watch those shows, but again it's the entertainment of the behavior on the show that attracts viewers and I was guilty of it. Now that I see how bad the image really is, I realized reality television is going to become worse, and will continue to have an effect on the younger generation and that will cause a lot of problems. The fact that a show was able to do that to an audience and continue to show this behavior is only giving ideas to teenagers when they get into a fight with someone, I have seen a lot of that when I witnessed fights and I can't even begin to imagine how bad it has become in other schools. I've come to realize that reality television is just silly, I'll still watch some of the shows here and there, but now that we have analyzed and viewed it I've realized how much I wasted my time watching some of these shows. The behavior displayed is unattractive and is only heading down a bad path.

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