Friday, April 10, 2015

Blog 10

Lorena Labour Aguasvivas
Professor: Santos
April 10,2015
Blog 10
Women in reality TV show

Women in reality TV show

Women in reality TV in my personal opinion are not realistic; they are not an example of a woman that you would actually see in your everyday life. Because a real women doesn’t always have nice clothes to wear and never have their hair done for any occasion they are not wealthy as they show on the TV show and they don’t argue as much as a women do in real life. Media create this TV shows with the purpose of making us believe that that’s how women are in real life, when we clearly know that its not like that. Women in real life have to take care of her kids, work, she has to clean, she has advice their kids and take care of her image. That’s what I think women in real life do in their daily basics, There is just a few women that can act the way that women in reality TV show act there is just a few, and I don’t even think that that’s how they really act in real life, I think that is just acting and taking the role of a type of women, Media also creates stereotype by making this type of TV shows, because in most of this TV shows the African American people are always the one yelling to each other causing trouble. Which leads society to think that black women are this way, and makes our generation also act certain way, because if African American teenagers see that black women on TV, are always arguing they will think that that’s something ok to do because that’s just how their culture is. Which I think is a bad example for the new generation, I think that is Media creates more TV of how women in reality acts and the struggle that they have to experience to become successful I think that will have more ratings. Because we the women would be more likely to related to it because that’s what we are experience in our daily life.

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