Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ilenny Nunez

Professor Santos


April 17,2015

Blog Entry #12
                                                             It shouldn't be like this


            This week we had different articles that we discussed in class but one of the articles that stood out to me was “When You’re Not Skinny, This Is What People Want You to Wear” By Mindy Kaling . When I first started to read it I was like making all this connections with my own life because I feel that not only me but maybe also a lot of people can relate to the fact that a lot of moms used to dress us in a way that we didn’t really liked but it was what in her mind looked good on us and representable at the same time as a good kid. For example Mindy mentioned how her parents used to dress her and her brother with cardigans and her hair would not grow longer then her neck; and I feel that it’s true just like she hated the cardigans because she was a little kid I can make the connection of hating the dresses that I had to wear to go to birthday parties and I think the reason was not because they were ugly because they were not, but because I was never so girly to be wearing dresses.

            Another thing that she mentioned was the fact that when she went to the photoshoot there was not clothes that could fit her and she was upset because it seemed that the only piece of cloth that could fit her was a shapeless navy shirt that she didn’t even want to wear, then she mentioned how she went to the bathroom really upset and crying and she said to herself that maybe she should just lose 20 pounds at least because other models do so and they don’t seem to have a problem but then while looking for paper she saw that how someone had written on the wall “this school is bullshit” when she saw this it gave her courage to tell the people of the shooting that she wanted a dress and that they will have to fix it.

When reading this part I liked it because I think it was really brave of her to do this. But at the same time it made me think of when in class we discussed about the fact that men think that a women have to look at certain way to be considered as beautiful and most of these women are size 0, 2 and maybe at 4; so when I read it I just thought that women shouldn’t be feeling this way that they feel that they are the ones that need to change maybe just like in Mindy’s case the others are the ones that need to change and give everyone the same value not matter what size you are; so I think that maybe a lot of women should do what Mindy did and be strong and not change because someone else’s actions wants you to change.


  1. I agree with what you're saying. Don't change for anyone else. Be who you want to be and express yourself because no one else can tell you whats beautiful and whats not.

  2. I agree with you, Mindy was very brave for going back out there and telling them that that was the dress she wanted to wear. Also I agree with what you said about others need to change and have it so it doesnt matter what size you are.
