Friday, April 17, 2015

Blog Post

Mindy Lara
Professor Santos
17 April 2015
Women in Comedy
            This week in class we had readings and watched a film based on women in comedy. I enjoyed readings because I learned that women in comedy try to send messages through their jokes and try to let the audience see how this is serious but doesn't have to be read in a serious way. Almost done so they know the audience doesn't get bored. One I loved in particular was Wanda Sykes section on Kobe Bryant. She speaks about how he was charged with rape. She goes on talking about how it’s always portrayed as “the women was up to no good” when at times it is the man’s fault. She also states how it’s ok to say no in situations where you are not looking to sleep with a man only because you had a couple of drinks but that’s only in a perfect world, sadly and truthfully stated. Women are always the one to blame when rape occurs and it’s sad and just wrong because some men just don’t care about the needs of others when they are horny and it’s so unfair to women  because no one deserves that to happen to them.

            In the film why we laugh we got to learn about why these famous comedians do what they do. It was pretty obvious that it’s because they love it. They do believe that comedy was once a male-dominated world because those were the only types of comedians you would see but now things are changing. They claimed that as female comedians they have to choose between starting a family or their careers. This was interesting to me because I didn't know they had to go through this. I knew that it was hard for them to take this career on but didn't realize how they all had to basically decide whether they wanted to start a family or their careers. They explained that they do this because it’s a gift for them to talk about any personal experiences and even topics that people need to be more aware of and turn it into jokes. Many do this because it makes them feel good and I believe these women are all great at what they do because you can tell they love it and enjoy it. They are funny when speaking about anything and it’s a gift not everyone has. Comedy is the one thing I believe everyone needs in their lives because having a good laugh is great therapy at times.

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