Ilenny Nunez
Professor Santos
Blog Entry #13
This week one the articles that were discussed in class The
“War on Boys”. Narrative Is Back. Ugh by A.K. Whitney. When I first looked at
the article by the title I thought that it was going to be something that will
support women in a way. But then when I started reading it I couldn’t believe
what the author was saying. One of the things that were mentioned were I was
just like “smh” was when the author said that men can’t no longer find their Mrs.
in college because of the careers that women pursue are not the same as before
and that’s why I asked myself but what’s wrong with women trying to get themselves
involve in careers that men are mostly the dominants ones. Because if society claims
that men and women are equal then why can’t we have the same career?
Another thing that it just
made me mad was when the author tried to imply that is women fault the fact
that they are so many sexual assaults events on colleges because now are more women
coming to college and this made me think that if men feel pressure form women
this is not a solution or neither will stop women coming to college. Also this
part made me think that for some reason women are always the one to blame when
they are abused in a certain way; like I remember when I was in middle school
in the Dominican Republic that there was this time when a boy attacked me in the
wall and he was kind of choking me and then I hit him but the professor just
took it as a game and said to me you can’t blame him you are cute and also
smart so he feels intimidated by you. I honestly didn’t know what to say but I feel
that it shouldn’t be like this women are not the ones to blame for men acting
violent towards us.
Something else that was
discussed in the class was the fact that a lot of women are competitive and we
do have that feeling that we want to be better than guys and also this
contributes to the reason that now women mostly wait until they are fully done
with their career to get married and start a family, which again in my own
opinion I don’t think it’s wrong because we can choose for ourselves what we
want, like in my case I have always been really independent and that’s why I want
to have my own future built because if one day I don’t want to keep being with
someone I won’t have a problem by living on my own. I really don’t believe in the
fact that a certain careers are only for men and the others for women, neither I
believe in the fact that women don’t need education because they are meant to
take care of the family.
First I would like to say how sorry I am that happened to you in middle school. I've experienced an event similar to this in it's own way, so I understand how scary it is, and how demeaning it is to be blamed for it. Second, I think it's interesting how you mention the competitiveness women feel about men. I think women have to really set themselves apart from males to truly get the credit they need. Women have to outshine men to be recognized at all, it seems like