Rachel Nee
Women in Comedy
This week in class we discussed women in comedy, these women have the power to discuss issues they have faced and make light of them, such as bullying. They bring something different to the table, they aren't like the movie stars and models we see in society, they're simply doing what they love and that is making people laugh. I am a huge fan of comedians, I like that they're different and that they are able to joke about whatever. They don't care what people think about them. What I admire about women in comedy especially is that they haven't given up, so many people disagree with the fact that women can be funny, they don't believe they should be in comedy they believe it should be left up to men to do the job. Yes, male comedians are funny, but so are women, why is that so hard for society to understand? It's society that makes it seem as though it's a competitions, these comedians don't see it that way, they are able to collaborate with each other, they respect each other. This is why I love shows such as Saturday Night Live, where we see both men and women collaborating with each other and they are able to make their audience laugh. I think society makes it a bigger deal, it shouldn't be a competition, it always seems to be the male dominance that comes into play in any situation. Society believes it is the males job to be good at everything, because he's a guy and he's good at everything. People recognize more male comedians than female, even with this movie I guarantee some people wouldn't even recognize some of the names yet they could name 10 male comedians right off the top of their head. It sucks that society can't see that these women can actually be funny, that they do have a talent. Being able to make someone laugh is not something you learn, it's something that you're born with, and these women have been able to share that talent with their audience. In movies like Bridesmaids, we see this talent displayed by an all female cast, people questioned this movie before it came out due to the fact that it was an all female cast, they didn't believe it would be funny. The movie became a huge success once it had hit theaters and made people realize these women in comedy were not stopping what they were doing anytime soon. I look up to these women because they're different from the other women we see in society, there always seems to be an image of a perfect looking woman being successful. The women in comedy are all shapes and sizes, and that is why I admire them because they aren't the "ideal" looking woman society usually displays, and I believe that also plays a role in why some people don't want to accept them for who they are. They have been able to show that women can do anything a man can do, they can make people laugh, they can be successful. These women I believe are great role models for girls who don't believe in themselves, these women have shown that nothing is impossible and no matter how much negativity you've received in your life, you can push through it. This is why I love that they include jokes about topics such as bullying in their acts, they're able to laugh at the bullies and show them that if anything they are what made them push through and got them where they are today, and here they are talking right to that bully making a joke about them. I look up to these women, I love the empowerment they have been able to give women. I believe if anything women in comedy are becoming a lot more powerful and I hope it continues. I's a way to show society that we aren't ever going to give up on anything people doubt us about, if anything it pushes us to want to prove those who doubted us wrong.
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