Friday, April 17, 2015

Women Been Different

Even though I didn't get the chance to watch the movie but just watching the trialor was really interesting and surprising. Firstly, it was interesting to me because I never knew any of those women, and I never knew they were comedians. And secondly, when we think of comedy, most of us especially me, I think of men having the couage to talk to people without any assistance.  It was surprising for me to see this women been in comedies, doing the job that our society says it is for men. They actually inspired that a girl can be anything. A woman doesn't have to be sexy, be a doctor, lawyer and so on. You become the person that you want to be. One quote that inspired me most was " Fuck them if they can't take a joke. Don't come to my show and expect me to be anything but what I am, you came to me". Whoopi Goldberg. I liked the way Whoopi had the courage to say those words because most of the celebrities tries to impress us and expecially the media. Lets take Kevin Hart for example, he always wears a suit to impress the media and makes jokes out of nothing and still society finds  him as to be the most hilarious man on earth.
     They showed me that you  shouldn't be afraid to be who you are.  They showed me that you can choose to make an impression iof you want to. You do not have to be because of what people say.  You do not have to be someone different if it is not your choice. Honestly, it was eduactional for me to see these women becoming someone different.


  1. I agree with this because it was exciting to see these women that loved doing what they wanted to do. I knew of a couple of these women and it was exciting to see how each of them was able to express their own opinions as well as convey messages that women of today can relate to.

  2. I think women comedians are especially good role models for women.
    The fact that they aren't afraid to be themselves and do what they want is a very important lesson that many women and girls need to learn. I agree with you, and I really enjoyed the documentary.
