Friday, April 17, 2015

Blog 12

Morgan Bilodeau
Blog 12

                                                                     Women In Comedy
             In class this week we had to watch the movie called “Why We Laugh”. It starred women such as Joan Rivers, Natasha Leggero, Kathy griffin, Whoopi Goldberg, and many more women. In the first part of the movie they were talking about their first time and how they became a comedian. A lot of the women were saying that their parents didn’t approve of them being comedians. Their parents wanted them to have a real job and to their parents being a comedian wasn’t a real job. To me, if those parents’ daughters were sons their parents would say go for it. I think this world has such a gender difference line and everything falls under your gender. Whether you’re capable of doing something or not. In the movie they were talking about how you can’t learn to be funny, you’re born with it. To me I completely agree with this I think that being funny runs in your blood, not having a desire to be funny. They then went on to saying they incorporated how they were brought up and how they were made fun of into their jokes. I absolutely loved this. I think its amazing that they have the confidence to get up on stage and make jokes about their “flaws” to everyone who’s there watching them. I wish I had the confidence to do that. Lastly they talked about how women and men are not treated equally in comedy. The men joke about dick and balls while women joke about real stuff in life like how I said before how they got bullied. Men are known as comedians and get a lot of fame for it but yet women do the exact same thing and are not treated equally. I don’t understand why man and women comedians don’t take part in the same funny movies. I think that the top women comedian and top male comedian should take part in making a movie together. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t make a movie together when they both have made it to the top of the comedian world. I believe that the gender differences need to stop and women and men should be treated equally.


  1. Morgan, I definitly agree with you. Gender plays a very big role in our society. When you are woman, there is a limitation for you while if you are a boy, you are allowed to do anything you do without getting stabbed behind.

  2. I agree with you, choosing your job because of your gender should not be a thought anymore. It seems that men have more opportunities because they are male.

  3. It is extremely sad that the female comedians talk about their parents disapproval of them becoming comedians. If they want to pursue that as their career, they should not be stoppped. Their parents probably assume that it is unlikely that a woman could end up with this job, but there is no reason women can't be considered funny

  4. I agree with the fact that women talk about real problems and that men usually talk about sexual things. I wonder if it's because they view everything as sexual?
