Friday, April 17, 2015

Wanda Sykes and Physical Beauty

Emily Simski
April 17, 2015
Blog Post

 Wanda Sykes and Physical Beauty
            When people walk around the street, they notice that there are people who not very appealing to the eye. People always find a way to make fun of someone who doesn't look appealing to the eyes. Women are always judged on their looks if they’re not beautiful.
            According to Wanda Sykes in a section from her book “Yeah I Said It”, she talks about how men can have acne be unattractive but can still make it on top. An example of this would be Donald Trump. He’s not the most attractive man on the planet, but he’s got lots on money that girls find him attractive. However when a women, according to Sykes, she “can only be beautiful, average, or in need of an extreme makeover”. When it comes to their looks, women always get judged because society expects women to be beautiful in every way possible. That why when it comes to movie roles that ask for an ugly women, they take a beautiful actress and turn her ugly. The perfect example of this is Charlize Theron in Monster. Instead of casting an ugly person to play the role, they took Theron and turned her into an ugly person. Sykes then talks about how they’d rather make a beautiful person ugly instead of actually casting an ugly person to take on the role. She also discusses how Hollywood “feels better knowing that there’s a bombshell under all the ugly makeup”. Only to back it up by saying that Charlize was acting. Due to this, women feel the need to get plastic surgery in order to get rid of their ugliness. However this can be bad for the future because their kids would get the ugly body parts. For example two beautiful people would have a child who has ugly shaped ears.
            It’s upsetting nowadays to see women who are judged based on how they look. Ugly women just get pushed aside to make way for the beautiful women to step in. I hate the way ugly women are treated because they deserve to have as much credit as other women. I also loved the way that Wanda Sykes addressed this issue because she loves to tell it like it is as well as express her own views on women and physical beauty. 


  1. This is a good post. The fact that the media only represents beautiful women (whether they are playing an ugly or beautiful character) is incredibly damaging to other women. I would like to see more ugly women in television and movies! I want to see fat woman, and ugly woman not as the butt of a joke, but rather as a normal human being that deserves love despite physical appearance. Theres nothing wrong with being ugly, and we need to show that more often in the media.

  2. I think this is very interesting. I think that's why a lot of people respect women in comedy because they really don't care about what they look like, but more about how they can make people laugh and what kind of reaction they can get out of people. No one looks the same, yet we are all suppose to look a certain way which doesn't really make a lot of sense to me

  3. As always, image prevails over all. Somehow we let our eyes hinder our ears and brains. Comedy, much like other things in society need to be stripped of image and taken for its quality. Its true that in the rare case that a women in comedy isn't pretty, that they use their image as the punch line of a joke. This can be seen as them embracing their image and using comedy's leniency as a forum to addressing it and therefore gain acceptance from the audience.
