Ilenny Nunez
Professor Santos
Blog Post #6
March 6, 2015
looking at Me?
beyond the Gaze
This was one of the articles that we discussed in class
this week. This reading mentions the female gaze which I don’t really think it
exist because although it might empower us they always find something negative in
it so that they judgments can be made against women in one way or the other.
In this reading there was a quote that my group had to
discussed in class; the quote said “Indeed, one could reasonably argue that “pleasure”
has become the new catchword of feminist cultural theory in an attempt to
displace the emphasis on negative and oppressive images and construct instead a
discourse that centers on the liberatory possibilities of female viewing
practices and pleasures ( pg 89)”. When we discussed this quote we said that we
agreed with the term that pleasure now has kind of this negative meaning when
it comes to women sometimes. Also we talked about how this pleasure that maybe
women have to create on the audience such as men should be more something that
women should feel for themselves. This idea made us think about Kim Kardashian
and we said that we understand that maybe she does this poses and breaking the
internet because she is in the spot light and she’s always wanting attention,
but at the same time we said that maybe she does it because she loves her body
and feels sexy in herself and this might be a good reason why she always
requiring attention.
Finally this thought made
me think that although I don’t agree with a lot of her actions by the way she
portrays herself as women sometimes; I also have to say that I live the fact
that she feels sexy inside of her that she is that one that wants to feel that pleasure
for herself that is not much about making a men or someone else feeling
pleasure by her actions. I personally think that this should happen more often that
women are the one that feel pleasure for themselves.
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