Friday, March 6, 2015

Blog 6

Morgan Bilodeau
March 6, 2015
Female Gaze
            In class this week we expanded more on the female gaze. The female gaze is

 a gaze of a work presented from a women’s perspective and it shows what women see, not what men see. It is aimed for a female audience. It doesn’t just mean looking at naked men or good-looking men it’s just how women can relate to a work. The female gaze is often seen in some music videos. In class we had to pick a music video that showed the female gaze. The music video I pick was I Luh Ya Papi by Jennifer Lopez. In the beginning of this music video it shoes Jennifer, her friends and a man from a record company trying to figure out what her music video should be. But then they start saying that the ideas the record company is thinking of is catering the music video to the male gaze. The girls say, “Why do men always objectify to women… why can’t we for once objectify to men”, this is talking about the male gaze and why almost all music videos portray the male gaze. I think that women need to start objectifying to men. I don’t understand why almost every music video now a days is for the male gaze. The videos that are male gaze are disgusting showing naked women and sexing up women to an extreme. It then goes to the real music video and its showing naked men with their shirts off. You could say they are making fun of the male gaze and showing how it’s bad. During the music video she is making fun of the music videos that show the male gaze. For example in one scene she’s on a yacht with half naked men. To me I think the female gaze is an awesome thing, I think that it gives women more confidence in this world because it shows that not everything has to be shown and veered towards a male perspective. More female musicians need to start adding the female gaze in their music videos because if they did I think it would get more people to start watching them.


  1. I agree with the fact that music videos always seem to show what the male gaze is, I hadn't seen the music video for I Luh Ya Papi or had really paid attention to the lyrics but watching it today, it was cool to see them saying how women are always objectified and it should be the other way around then proceed to show it in that way. It's a good message for people to see, the male gaze shouldn't always be the focus.

  2. I think it's interesting how you bring up the point that people could say that J lo was making fun of the male gaze, when in reality, she's showing it how it is and not beating around the bush which is why she probably received backlash from the music video.
