Caroline Stevens
Women and Pop Culture
The past few weeks in class we have been discussing about women in hip hop. We focused on Nikki Minaj, Beyoncé, Miss Elliot and other artists. These women are very sexual in their music videos, but besides them, there are a lot more famous singers who are more sexual than them. All these women love to dance as you would be able to tell if you watched some of their music videos. These women are judged by society for the way that they dance. They can't be sexy even if they are just doing it for themselves. All three of these women are good role models are younger girls. They may define feminism differently but they know what they are doing when they are in music videos and know if they are doing it for themselves or for men. In Nikki Minaj's music video "Anaconda", Nikki was shaking her booty to an extent that people would judge her after seeing that and she did not seem to care. That is what I like about Nikki because she does not let society's rude comments get to her and she just minds her own business. If she is happy doing what she is doing, why would people want to make rude comments? These women are just trying to be themselves and to let nothing bother them. That is why they are good role models because it teaches younger girls to just be you and do not let anything come in between that. Beyoncé's music video "Check On It", lets people know who watch it to just have fun. In the music video you can clearly see that Beyoncé is just being herself and having fun. Beyoncé does not shake her booty as much as Nikki does, but they both do it and it is not coming back into the media. In my opinion, it is becoming more popular because more female singers are starting to just show off their butt more. It is also becoming more popular to show off more skin. Yes, people may think of the female singers in a different way if they are becoming more sexual in their videos, but they are more than that. They are able to send a message out to younger girls and be able to express who they really are. People might not except who they are but they do and that is all that matters. Beyoncé and Nikki are two very different people but they both mean well. They both dress differently from others especially Nikki, who has very interesting outfits, but that is okay. People dress differently especially famous singers. I've learned that it does not matter what famous singers do. Let them live life the way they want to. Society should just judge them for the way they dance or if they are being to sexual. It does not matter what they think of feminism or if they are a feminist or not, they are believe in what they think is right and there is nothing wrong with that. Miss Elliot, Beyoncé and Nikki Minaj are all popular and no one will ever be them so I say let them dress and dance how ever they want.
I do agree that artists need to dress in a certain way. If they are in the music business then they feel as tough they need to dress skimpy or wear more revealing clothes.