While talking about strong black women in class, it made me remember Queen Latifah's song U.N.I.T.Y and also Eve song "Love Is Blind". Seeing this music just inspired me. It inspired me because:
1. In today's music there is not enough empowering message in it.
2. It is all about having perfect body. And also in today's music it is full of naked women running back and forth showing parts of their body that are not to been seen.
I felt like this music was different. They were covered with clothes, and apart from that, there is a strong message that is been sent to our fellow women who are experiencing the same difficulties in their relationship. These two songs tell me women are all beautiful, its not force to have a man in your life but if you need a man, you should search for a man who is going to pamper you, not beat you like an animal. It also tells me that we are in control of our body. If a man touches you and you dislike it, you the woman have the rights to let him know that it is not allowed because men thinks they are still in control of everything and also they feel like it is funny to touch women without their consent.
I agree with you. Women are allowed to wear what they want and live their own lives. Some women believe that they have to be with a man in order to be happy, but that's not the case. Women can love themselves and don't need a man to tell them otherwise.