Ilenny Nunez
Professor Santos
20 March 2015
Blog Entry #7
are always the guilty ones”
This week we focused on hip hop and rap music but about
women and most of the songs that these women used to make were more meaningful
songs in the way that they used to empower women and now most of the songs are
not like that is like I always say now everything when it comes to women it has
to be about being sexy and being sexual, because why do you have to make
empower music for women if you guys already have it all.
On another idea today there was a discussion in class
that I’m glad it came up, we were discussing Rihanna and how now she has
basically adopted the nickname of bad girl after the release of the song
Russian Roulette. I honestly feel like there’s nothing that we as women can do
that is not going to be judged and we will get the blame for it. For example
when Rihanna was dating Chris Brown at first it was like a fairy tale because
they loved each other but then because she cheated on him and infected him with
an STD that gave him the power to start committing domestic violence against her
and the media made it seem like it was her fault because she shouldn’t have
cheated on him. I think that even if I was the worst thing that a women do to a
man that does not give him the reason to abuse her.
I’m glad that she at the end broke her silence about in
an interview because at first she was trying to protect him and all and even
went back with him after he did that to her because she just felt so bad that he
could lose everything like his career and specially her. As I said I’m glad that
she realize that she’s a role model for a lot of young girls and that by going
back with him because of “love” she was basically telling this girls is ok that
he hits you and then you go back with him because that’s because he loves you
and the whole aggression is because you made him mad. On another hand this
reminds me of when I was like 10 or so that in my neighborhood they used to say
“oh no because if he tries to fight with you, or starts throwing little rocks
at you is because again he likes you and he wants you to be his girl”; but then
there was nothing to do about it because it was a game of kids.
Finally as I mentioned before I’m glad she realized that because
even for me she’s an idol and I kind of love the fact that now she’s seen as the
“badgirlriri” as she calls herself on Instagram because if you have to portrait
yourself as being a bad girl in order to feel safe and that no one is ever
going to abuse you than that’s fine. Also I like the advice that she gave in
the interview F. love; you have to love yourself and honestly I think that if a
man really loves you he is never going to abuse you either verbally or
I agree, I think Rihanna adopting the bad girl riri name was a strong move on her part, after her beating she was able to make a comeback and if anything came back ten times stronger. She didn't let a man bring her down, even him being in the same industry she didn't let him scare her away she didn't let the view of women as a weak object take over her and push her to quit. I think her writing music about the incident and speaking of it in interviews was such a strong move, if anything she made Chris Brown look bad she explained how she WAS a victim and shouldn't be blamed for that.