Friday, March 6, 2015

Beyoncé’s Music Videos

Chelsea Morganelli
Blog post #6

            Today in class we watched music videos that showed the female gaze. Most were Beyoncé music videos which made me think because Beyoncé gives very powerful messages in her music videos but she also portrays herself in a very sexual way. She can show her sexuality in an empowering way for other women, but men see it differently. The male gaze is often seen in the media and it’s very hard for women to show themselves in a sexual way that makes them feel empowering, while men are seeing them as sexual objects. Some of Beyoncé’s most powerful music videos that were on the twitter page are Pretty Hurts and Run the World. Another music video is 7/11 which is a fun video of Beyoncé and her friends dancing. It’s silly and fun which gives off a great message to women that they don’t always have to be sexy in music videos. Beyoncé is usually very sexual in her music videos, so its refreshing to think that she made this fun music video.


  1. I agree with you i think Beyonce does give really powerful messages in her music videos. She's a role model for a lot of people.

  2. I agree with this. Beyonce does make great music that women listen to. However its nice when we see like in the 7/11 music video that you don't have to be glamour up to have a good time.

  3. I agree with you. Beyonce does represent herself in a sexual way but I feel that she has made herself so strong and powerful in the media and chooses what she wants to portray herself, I do not feel she does it to gain attention
