Friday, March 27, 2015


Kristen Coyne
Blog post #8

            In class this week we discussed African American females in hip hop. We also read the article, “Check On it Beyoncé, Southern booty, and Black femininities in music video, which talked about Beyoncé’s role in hip hop and the infamous “booty” that black women are often associated with. Beyoncé has a very large impact on females all over the world, and since she is so popular, she is often idolized by women. A part of Beyoncé’s popularity is based off of her “voluptuous” body. When black women see her skinny waist and big booty, they want to attain that look. As Aisha Durham states, “It is possible that Black girls negotiate beauty standards by rejecting waif bodies but accept the thin waist and curvaceous bottom, which is a different kind of unattainable beauty nonetheless” (Durham 37) Colored women being associated with this body type makes them feel that they need to attain it to be beautiful, which is obviously not the case. That is not a common body type and as Durham says it is unattainable. This stereotype is so degrading to Black women because it strips them of all their talent and beauty, and makes them feel that they need this body type to be seen as beautiful.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that black women feel they need to look a certain way in order to be accepted. I think that's ridiculous because every women is different and had their own body shapes.
