Hannah Dickie
Blog Post 7
Rape and Fear
Today in class we discussed the case of Rihanna and Chris
Brown. Chris Brown physically assaulted Rihanna and some people blamed this
incident on Rihanna. They said well she was talking to other people, or well
she gave him an STD. Is that any reason to punch someone you supposedly love in
the face? In today’s society somehow the blame always goes from the person who
was the actual abuser to the victim. Well her skirt was to short, she was
flirting, she pretty much asked for it. This doesn't make any sense, as far as I
know no girl ever is asking to be beat or raped. In the society we live in it’s
always the women’s fault for being to sexual and causing this to happen. Maybe
if we taught people to respect women and it’s not okay to rape or hit instead
of teaching girls they need to cover up and not be to flirty this problem wouldn't exist. In my high school last year a girl who was a sophomore and a senior,
captain of the hockey team were at a party together both had been drinking and
they ended up sleeping together. Of course because its high school once Monday came
around everyone knew. The girl was so upset because she didn't mean to do it,
it just happened. But pretty much most of the school was talking about her like
it was all her. She couldn't turn to anyone for help because she was being told
she would ruin his hockey career and the hockey team wouldn't make it into the play offs without him. She was pretty much forced to remain silent. It was
talked about for about a week until people slowly started to forget about it
and the next “big” story happened. I still couldn't believe it though that people
were actually putting all the blame on her, I mean it does take two people to
do it. But no one ever said anything to the boy because he couldn't do anything
bad he’s too good for that. Hopefully in the near future if something like this
happens people won’t put all the blame on the victim and actually blame the
person doing the crime.
Another thing we talked about was how women are always
having to be super observant to what’s around her for fear of being the next
target. From a young age were taught to stay away from strangers and to yell
and run to get away from bad guys. As boys get older they slowly stop worrying
about that because eventually their going to be able to stand up and defend
themselves. However for girls that fear of being targeted never really goes
away especially for girls my size (4’11). I could never defend myself from
someone twice the size of me. I would try my hardest but in the end they could
probably just push me and I would fall over. My boyfriend is a 6’2 hockey
player so when I’m with him I can kind of let my guard down because I don’t think
anyone would really try to mess with him. However I’m still watching my surroundings
to make sure were not being followed. Whenever were driving (especially at
night) and we drive past a bigger guy or a group of guys I always lock the car
doors, and my boyfriend just laughs at me and thinks it’s just something stupid
I do. He doesn't understand that it’s a habit I have from being a commuter and
having to drive alone. I don’t know when someone is just going for a walk or if
someone’s going to try to get in my car. He doesn't have to think about those
things because for one he’s huge and could take people out but two because he’s
a guy and has never had to think about someone trying to jump him. It’s sad
that just because I’m a smaller size women I always have to be prepared for the
worst and ready to defend myself at any second of the day.
I totally agree with everything that you wrote. Women who are in relationships like the one you said above, they have to hold in what happened to them because everyone will hate her for ruining the boys reputation. I also am careful at night, I always lock my door and we are just being cautious of our awareness around us.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to be cautious and aware of your surroundings at all times. Men do not bear the burden that women do when walking alone. It is a serious problem, however women are seen as weak for bearing protection. We should do whatever makes us secure, because it will not be done by society.
ReplyDeleteIt is so unfair that women are always to blame, especially in he case of domestic violence. No matter what a women does or says to their significant other, a man should never lay their hands on a women in a violent way or without their consent.