Friday, March 20, 2015

Blog Post 7

Caroline Stevens
Women and Pop Culture

            It is very hard to understand people in society now a days. You never know what is going to come out of their mouths about some particular event or about a certain topic. The person who is in a relationship and abuses their loved ones is the one who is usually blamed for and looked at differently and even arrested for assault. Usually it is the girls fault for looking at another guy in a different way, or they wore something that was scandalous, or they did something that their boyfriend did not like.
Today in class we discussed the issue between Rihanna and Chris Brown. Chris Brown was allegedly known for the guy who beat Rihanna. It is usually the nice guy who is very nice to the girl and think oh he will never hurt her, is the one who is suspected to actually abuse the girl. On a website on the US Weekly, Rihanna states that "I fell in love with the beast". Today, I would say almost 95%  of the people in today's society would state that it is the women's fault in the relationship for being the one to actually cause the assault. "Oh, well this would have never happened if you weren't talking to that guy", or "If you never looked at that guy the way you did, then this would have never happened to you". After this incident happened between Rihanna and Chris, mostly everyone looked at Rihanna the wrong way, blaming her for what Chris did to her. No no no, this is not the way it is supposed to work. The person who abused the other person is the one who should do the crime and get the crap for it. Rihanna went back to Chris after this incident happened because she claimed he was the one and she loved him. No girl should ever be treated this way and we should definitely not go back to the one person we used to love and just get hurt all over again. After this happened, Rihanna was to scared to share how she felt and what would happen. So Rihanna wrote the song Russian Roulette. In this song she was able to share her feelings and her experience during all of this. This was a good thing that Rihanna made this song, because it tells a message to all the women to stand up for themselves and to not take anything from men. I myself luckily, have never been in a relationship with a boy who was abusive, but trust me I would have him arrested in a second. No women should ever be in a relationship like that. After discussing this topic in class, I realized that women are totally looked at differently than men are. I kind of already knew that but especially in a situation like this, women are looked at differently and no one cares about the men. It is basically saying the men can do whatever they want. Society needs to look at the world for a second time and realize men can't get away with things like this anymore. It is not right and it is especially not fair to women. Men need to stop abusing women for absolutely no reason because yes they may think they can get away with it, but with the law they will get in trouble.

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