Hannah Dickie
Blog post 8
Dominated Industry
week in class we talked about the article “Check on It” by Aisha Durham. In
this article she discusses how women artists in the hip hop music industry don’t
really have a large say in how their music videos and their songs are created.
The music industry is dominated by male directors and producers who are going
to want to see women as a sexual object. They are going to have women wearing
barley nothing dancing around well their male counterparts are seen as strong
and powerful. However I do think that in some cases women are able to get the message
they want out because of maybe more the lyrics. If the audience ignores the
music video in most cases and just listens to lyrics closely there more than
likely is a message in their about women. Or in interviews sometimes they say
things about women to send a message or even in the way they act and present
themselves. Such as Beyoncé she can be seen as a women with a larger shape in
some areas and she is still extremely confident in herself. Because of this younger
women are realizing its okay to look how we do even if we aren’t super skinny
or don’t have a large butt. Beyoncé is helping other younger women gain the
self confidence that she has. It’s
hard sometimes form women to get their music videos to send out the message
they want especially now because in this society sex sells, so they will do
whatever needed to make the most profit. In some cases women are able to get
the message out they want to but then that song might never be played on the
radio. Which is similar to songs about politics which we discusses in class.
The media never plays songs about politics or that talk about a serious controversial
message. I don’t really know why they don’t because in class we discussed some
of the artists who have made songs about politics and to be honest I had never
really heard of any of them. Maybe the media doesn’t want us to hear them
because it will create a new idea within some of us and their afraid of what
might happen if it does. Or maybe they don’t want to be categorized to support
a specific side or group of people because then they will lose either the
opposing side or people who don’t agree with that as listeners and in the end lose
money. My guess is that it’s the second one because most people in the media
are concerned with how much money they are making and they won’t really do anything
to decrease the amount. The same goes for singers. They won’t sing about or
discuss in most cases what their political views or what groups they support
because they don’t want to lose the other sides fan base. If they keep their
ideas quiet and to themselves remaining neutral then they can keep all sides of
their fan base. Maybe in the future different artists that emerge will be more
comfortable voicing their opinions through song. There are a few people now who
voice their opinions but there needs to be more especially more women who are
able to empower other women.
I had never heard the songs that actually address political views that were played in class either. There should be songs that are more popular based off of actual ideas and important things other than just sex and love.