Faith Beglane
March 20, 2015
Rap Music
music is one of the most popular genre among teens and young adults. Most
artists sing about the same thing: women. They portray women based purely off
their looks and their sexuality. Almost every rap song will call a women a “hoe”
or a “bitch “or something else that is degrading. Because rap is so popular, I think
that men of this century believe that it’s okay to call women these names. While
watching music videos from the late 80’s and 90’s, it was clear that rap had
much more meaning than it does today. The female rappers of that century, were
fearless and said what was on their minds while also talking about issues that
needed to be talked about such as domestic violence, and women power. Today there
are very few songs that discuss these issues, or any other issues of today’s
society. Although they don’t talk about relevant issues, they talk about sex
and violence because it’s what sells. One of the main points that Amanda Moras
talks about in Black Women and Black Men
in Hip Hop Music, is the fact that black women are stereotyped as angry,
violent, or dangerous creators. They are then portrayed through rap as exotic,
erotic, or oversexed. The problem that I face with this, is that women really
have little say as to how they actually are, and can’t sing about men the same
way that men can sing about women. Men are more widely listened to than women
are, making it easier for them to make up these stereotypes into whatever they
want. They know that people will listen and it will catch on. Women of the 80’s and 90’s had a better chance
of fighting back than we do now. Although the feminist movement is stronger now
than it was then, I think that the female rappers were more influential than
they are today.
I agree with everything you stated. Especially when you stated 'female rappers were more influential than they are today.' because it's very true. They only put out what sells and not rap about what they believe can change the world's perspective about women like the other female rappers would do back in the day.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that men think it's okay to degrade women because of the way the music industry does today. I never thought about how music is influencing our society until this past week in class.