Friday, March 27, 2015

blog 8

Kristen Butler

March 27, 2015

Blog #8

Blog Post #8

            This week in class my group did a presentation on the article about Beyoncé. We discussed four different quotes from the article that showed how Beyoncé’s body is shown in her music videos. The one that I discussed had to do with the way Beyoncé flaunts her butt. I then asked questions that had to do with if the class believes woman only improve their butts to impress boys or for themselves. The class then discussed how much the butt has been seen as something that needs to be enhanced nowadays. We talked about how instead of boob jobs being the body part that gets the most work now the butt is getting work done. Some people are trying to get their butt as big as possible. I personally believe that it is more of a woman against woman battle rather than trying to impress men. I know if I see another woman with a bigger butt than me I automatically think I want mine to look like hers.

The article mainly focused Beyoncé’s booty and how it is flaunted in her music videos. The class discussed how the booty has always been the prime body party that is focused on in hip hop music. I personally have always admired Beyoncé as a female role model. She has never been a celebrity that has used her body as an advantage or to sexually attract men. I believe that she is genuinely comfortable with her body therefore she likes to use it to her advantage. Unlike Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé does not just put her whole body part in front of the camera. Her music videos focus more on the music that what body parts can be exposed.

1 comment:

  1. I also agree that women are in more of a battle about their bodies than they are about trying to impress men. I also feel that while other hip hop artists are actually getting enhancements done to their body and more specifically there butt, Beyonce's body is natural so her flaunting it is not sending out the wrong message to other women, because she it is just her natural body
