Friday, March 20, 2015

Blog #7

Kristen Butler
Blog #7

                In class we discussed how women that are in abusive relationships are the ones that get blamed for the behavior. When in all reality it’s not their fault at all. The abuser is getting looked at as a victim in many cases. In the most famous case of Chris Brown and Rihanna, many people blamed Rihanna for what happened between them. Even though Rihanna was blamed for giving Chris Brown a STD it gave him no excuse to physically harm her. No women ever deserves for that to happen to them.
                After this whole situation took place, Rihanna was looked down upon for going back with Chris Brown. People do not realize how hard it is for women in abusive relationships and the toll it takes on them, physically and mentally. So, people do not fully understand why it was so hard for her to get out of that relationship.

                Also, we discussed how African American music artists would write empowering songs instead of selling their bodies through their lyrics like they do today. In Queen Latifah’s video she is empowering people and not using any degrading lyrics. She is telling women to stand up for themselves unlike today where women use their bodies for sex. 

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