Friday, March 6, 2015

Female Gaze Blog 6

Lorena Labour
6 march 2015
Professor Santos
Blog Entry 6
Females Gaze In music videos

          There are only a few female gazes in today’s society there are only a few women that can be considered as the head of something. For women to have power is something really rare, and this is because men throw out the years, have been in power and women are view as a weak sex, This is why when a woman tries to be the boss or be the leader, a lot people try to take them down and stop them from moving forward to a better position.

             In class we were assign to find a music video that shows women in power. I was really disconcert because I could not find a single video that shows women in power and that the lyrics of the song matches with the position or message of the video. I struggle looking for one, until I found one by Beyoncé called “ We run the world” This was the only video I could find that shows women in power. I was surprise that not a lot woman have the courage of making a video where they are the leaders. And not the sexual object of the man. And it’s a little understandable because women if they try to be on top, they are viewed as a thread to man because in their mind they are the leaders and not women can get to their level. Which I think is wrong. We as women need to ask for more than the women’s role in a music video, which is most of the time showing their bodies. To make man feel more confident of them self in there own music video. If women wants to show that they deserved to be on power the same way man is they need to step it up and show them who is the real boss.

1 comment:

  1. I think run the world is a great example of women empowerment. Her confidence is refreshing and a great contrast to the typical oppression women face in society.
