Kristen Butler
March 5, 2015
Blog Post #6
Female Gaze
This week in
class we discussed male and female gaze. When looking through many music videos
online to post about female gaze it was very difficult to find since most
videos focus on the male gaze. While watching these videos, the men were mostly
recognized by the attractiveness of their faces or their abs. However if you
are to watch a video that goes along with male gaze, you will see a women
exposed in every way possible. There was not one video I saw of a man dancing
around almost naked being touched by a woman. Many of the music videos produced
by male singers are absolutely disgusting and completely degraded to females.
The video
that I chose to share was “Love Story” by Taylor Swift. In this song she is
simply singing about how she wants him to fall in love with her. It in no way
degrades the man to be a sex symbol. The man in her video is very attractive
but is fully dressed in a suit. The only part of his body to be seen is his
face. I think that for the most part, Taylor Swift’s music videos do a really
good job at showing female gaze, since she sings about her own love life it
makes it a lot easier for her to put these dreamy men in her videos.
This week in
class we talked a lot about how, on a woman any part of their body can be sexualized.
It does not even need to be a part of their body that people would usually see
as sexual, nowadays even something as simple as an eye brow is seen as
something sexual. I believe that this results in producers of the videos to go
to extreme measures to make the “sexual body parts” appear even more sexual.
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