Friday, February 6, 2015

Women and Pop Culture Entry 2

Alexandria Scudder
6 February 2015
Entry 2

Throwing Out Our Bras

            In Throwing Out Our Bras feminism is talked about as a political movement, discussing the actions taken by women in the late 60’s.  This particular action took place in Atlantic City at the Miss America pageant.  Women wanted everyone to know that the pageant was a disgrace and that women would not be judged like animals.
            The views on pageants today are skewed depending on whom you talk to.  Many feminist women do not believe in pageants because they feel women are projecting themselves to others as sexual beings.  By projecting women as sexual beings all the time it makes us look like all we are is looks and that is why men judge women the way that they do.  If less women looked to men for assurance and acceptance than women could end up being more powerful than we already are in today’s society.  Men all seem to enjoy the pageant scene because it is one place you are able to judge women and not be looked at as cruel.  By judging women it is allowing us to take a step back to man and that is what most feminists find wrong with pageants.
            To show how the feminists felt in the 60’s they decided to take a stand and peacefully protest.  As Throwing Out Our Bras says “They swung brassieres in the air like lassos.  They crowned a live sheep “Miss America” to dramatize that the contests, and all women, are “oppressed and judged like animals at a county fair.””  As we have progressed as a society and women have more power than they did in the 60’s men have slowly been put in the same position.  Now of days men are competing in muscle building competitions and are judged by men and women.  If men do not decide to bulk up now of days they are viewed as a “geek” or “weak”.  Although I believe that women are judged more harshly than men are based off of our wide variety of body types, men are also being judged.  I have met many women that say, “he has a great personality but it’s a good thing he’s attractive” because in our human make up looks do mean something even it may sound superficial.

            In our current society pageants have become less looked down upon because men and women are doing them not just women.  Most people’s biggest problem is with parents putting their young children in pageants before they can make up their minds for themselves.  As many people have seen the show “Toddlers in Tiaras” which portrays young girls forced into pageant life by their parents at a young age.  Over the four years it aired until it was taken off air in October of 2013 many people were disgusted with the idea of the thoughts that were being put into those toddler’s heads.  By making young girls aspire to be a “pageant queen” it is automatically setting them up to be held at a lower standard than men.  If women in today’s society want to strive to be equals they must stop teaching their children to be less superior to men.


  1. I agree with what you're saying about women sexuality and why men like the pageants. It makes since that women would like the pageants because of the reaction that they get from the men.

  2. I like how you say women need to stop looking up to men for assurance because thats part of the reason we are looked at as less powerful. I also like how you mention that men also are judged in a similar way as women are, although women are judged more harsh because sometimes feminists don't realize that men have similar issues that we often face.
