Friday, February 20, 2015

Enlightened Sexism

Lauren Turcotte
Blog post
20 February 2015
Enlightened Sexism

     During Douglas's first chapter, in "Enlightened Sexism"  I felt there was a lot of talk about how TV shows influenced they way women acted and why there was such an uprising in the first place. By having a women dress or act it was almost an encouragement that it was the proper way to present ourselves. She talks about the show Buff the Vampire Slayer where the main character embraced her feminism and was seen and a hero instead of a victim. One example that I really related with was the Kardashian discussion that we had in class today. I almost feel as though with all the media surround the family they feel they have to act at a certain way to fit into society. By doing this it makes them seem very fake.
     When you look at older pictures f Kim Kardashian you can tell the difference immediately. Older pictures how them not as made up and seeing pictures of them now really shows the affect the media can have on a women. It is very rare that you see any member of the family without a face full of makeup on. When you look at the younger sisters social media sites they try to make themselves seem older than they are, which makes me think what is so bad about being they age they are and why they feel they need to make themselves look older. I was never the kid who put on loads of makeup or tried to alter the way I looked with makeup so it's weird seeing women my age or younger do that.
     Also the whole Kim Kardashian breaking the internet was really uncalled for I think. I know that it's her body and she's free to do what she chooses with it but why did she feel that she needed to pose naked? I don't think that she's being a good role model especially to her daughter. She may think that she's teaching her to be strong and be proud of your body but she could also be showing her that the only way you get acceptance in the world is to show your body. There are a lot of mixed opinions on what is right or wrong in the situation and it is her life so I guess she can do whatever she wants with it.

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