Saturday, February 7, 2015

Lauren Turcotte
February 7, 2015
Blog post #2

                                                   Throwing Out Our Bras

     In this article it once again talks about the Miss America contest saying that all women are "oppressed and judged like animals at a county fair". People would hold up signs making fun of the way women were being treated. Most of the signs were indicating that they were being treated as a cattle auction or a herd of animals and then men seemed to get a kick out of it. I think this is one of the events that to women wanting to take a stance. In addition to discovering sex, drugs, and rock n roll, they were also discovering politics and gaining a new perspective on things. They knew they had rights and wanted to advocate for them. 
       Being able to go to college let them be able to get into politics. the number of degrees awarded to women was double what it had been in 1955. They were tired of being treated as just something to look at and not getting a voice. I feel as though the symbolism of women 'throwing out their bras' is a way of showing their empowerment. The point of them doing this was to show that they meant business and wanted equality. I think most people thought they were being violent by wanting to do this but I think they just wanted their voice to be heard. It wasn't fair that only the men got to be heard while the women just sat back and let it happen, I think the knowledge they gained from being These events eventually became known the 'second wave' women's liberation. 
     I'm honestly surprised that it didn't happen sooner but i feel like there are still a lot of issues with the equality of women that still exist today. Like I've said before there are still a bunch of stereotypes that are being forces upon us like the way we're supposed to look, act, or feel about ourselves. There is still a long way to go but it is definitely an improvement form the 50's and 60's 

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