Alessandra Bisconti
Blog Post 4
“I’m Not a Feminist,
The term feminist
takes on a lot of baggage, and many women opt to not submit themselves under
that title. Douglas says how Feminism is thought of as an “F word”. This was a
funny, yet completely accurate description on how the world is viewing
feminism. As some unspoken scary subject that is okay in small doses. Women
should be accepted in LARGE amounts in the work and political fields. Just
because there are a few women here and there to appease us, doesn’t mean that
is satisfactory. There is no winning with how woman are accepted either.
“Opinionated woman with big mouths are good for laughs in sitcoms, but keep
them the hell out of politics and Hollywood movies-unless they are villains of
course.” Women are being used for the benefit of others and where men see they
would fit best. This relates back to the male gaze, woman are placed in roles
that would be most suitable as men see them For example, female comedians are
put in for humor but that is as far as they can go. Musicians must have music
videos that are sexually appealing instead of focusing on the quality of the
actual music. Also, there are significant amounts of movies where woman (who
actually make it to be portrayed as a political or successful business woman)
are shown as the villain! Why does a woman who earned her power have to be
shown as a bitch now?
There is no
definite answer to this question but Douglas makes a valid point as to where
this stereotype and expectation we hold of women stemmed from. “We have grown
up with these ever discrepant representations of women, and related to them all
our lives, and while we have shaped them, they have had more power to shape
us.” It is almost as though no matter how hard we try to resist the constant
objectification of woman in our world, there is no escaping it. We are the
future, and from an extremely young age we are already being brainwashed. Our
culture thrives off what is physically appealing. Clothes, food, décor, and
even our partners are all somewhat based off physical attraction because that
is what is ingrained in us from a young age.
This is exactly where
our problem lays. When will enough be enough and society as a whole will become
more accepting? Feminism should not be the F word that people are afraid of. It
should be embraced and accepted so a mass change can occur. There are ads and
commercials telling us how to act, look, and eat. Feminism is still completely
necessary today just as it was in previous decades. With the evolving times we
have gotten more privileges, but within that different problems have arisen as
I personally don't think that society will ever believe that women are good enough. They have such high expectations of us and it's impossible to meet.