Friday, February 13, 2015

Blog 3 Ms. Magazine

Morgan Bilodeau
February 13, 2015
 Ms. Magazine

            This week in class we had to make group discussion projects. For our discussion, my group studied Ms. Magazine. I had never heard of this magazine before my project. While I was doing my project this is what I learned. Ms. Magazine is a magazine that is veered toward women. Instead of having regular magazines with articles in them about women being housewives, Ms. Magazine has articles about women in the work force, abortion, and de-sexing. I thought this was an extremely smart thing to do because when people read a magazine nowadays all they see are pictures of stars in the media and entertainment articles about the stars lives. Ms. Magazine is an American feminist liberal magazine and it started in 1971 as a “one-shot” article in the New York Magazine. In 1972 it became its own magazine. Ms. Magazine helped shape the contemporary world of feminism. They used the title Ms. because it showed that women aren’t owned by a man. This magazine was the first magazine to bring feminism to the public eye. It advertised date rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence, and more. It was interesting learning about it, I never knew they had a magazine out there just for women to read (men can read it to). I think this magazine was and is an amazing idea. To bring a magazine to the public eye that shows more about feminism is what we need in this world. This is because I believe not a lot of people truly know what feminism is and if they read this magazine they can get a better idea of it. This magazine is still being sold and made today. It hasn’t changed much but they have changed some of their ideas. The Ms. Magazines were more feminist back in the day and I think they need to bring that back.


  1. I also had never heard of Ms. Magazine til the reading we had. I agree with you and think they should make the magazine more feminist like they used to. This way people can be more informed about feminism and women.

  2. They should make this magazine more known since it's a good thing for women! I've never heard of it until this class.

  3. Ms magazine should take part of todays advertisement. We have discussed in depth the power that advertisment has in society, so this magazine should take advantage of it. If a class full of people interested on woman and pop culture don't know about it, it is clearly not popular. Its material is powerful, and should be seen by the masses.
