Friday, February 20, 2015

Enlightened Sexism Blog Entry 4

Lorena Labour Aguasvivas

Professor Santos

20 February 2015

Blog Entry 4

Enlightened Sexism

       In the introduction of the book called “ The Rise of Enlightened Sexism” by Susan Douglas, she talks about what exactly enlightened sexism is. She explains that this is the idea that women have achieved enough through feminism and that they considered that there is not need for us women to keep advocating feminism. In one part, this makes me happy to know that we have come so far with the idea of feminism and that we have achieved some goals with it. However there are still a few things that I considered that needs to improve, Women are still viewed as a sexual objects.  Making women believe their body is what counts not their brain or how talented this person can be. It seems that women get their value by showing off their bodies. In page 17 it focus on women’s body with things like women need to show their femininity since we now have accomplished a lot of things with feminism, However we hear all this about women, but nothing about man. We never hear women talking the way that mans do, with things like man needs to show off their body to call people’s attention, I honestly feel like society is some way is limiting us the women to be who we want to be, and have the body that we feel comfortable in. Because not it seems that everything that women do to their body to make it better is just to satisfice man. All these celebrities that are on the TV all the time are showing the new generation, that having a perfect body and being sexy is what matters. And this is why all the teenagers now feel so worry about their bodies and try their hardest to change the way the look to impress somebody else. I honestly think that if all these celebrities come together and talk about this topic. A lot of teenagers would change the way they think, because most of the teenager's girls look up to those celebrities, and they feel like these people are role models to them, and they want to become like them, by having the celebrities explain the young girls what is wrong with all this, I feel like that will make a big change.

1 comment:

  1. Society is definitely making us feel limited to who we want to be, self-esteem starts at such a young age and being surrounded by the media we look at pictures of these ideal perfect people on the television and covers and it has a negative effect on us due to the fact that we want to look like that person. It's scary that an image can make someone suddenly become unhappy with themselves which may cause them to take extreme measures to getting the look they want. Celebrities send out mixed messages, they want their audience to be comfortable with themselves, then they gain weight and get criticized for it and choose to go back to how they originally were. Society has put out this message and it does seem to revolve around women especially, it should be reassuring people that they are fine the way they look, not putting out these images as this is how the ideal person should be.
