Friday, February 27, 2015

Blog Post #5

Caroline Stevens
Blog Post #5
February 27, 2015

         Women think that they completely have it all and that they should focus on what they look like and how they dress. They also are starting to compete with one another to get with men as shown in a video that we watched in class the other day. The women are basically naked dressed in bikinis and dancing all over the men. All the music videos we watched in class were surprising to watch because they were being shown on TV, and to think that this kind of inappropriate actions might have been watched by kids who are 6-10 years old is insane. Kids think that if they see a famous singer that they like they are going to want to dress up and act and look like that singer. A 6 year old kid should not be wearing a crop top and short shorts. Not how society should work.
        In the reading called "Grunge, Riot Grrrl and the Forgetting of Women in Popular Culture" it talks about how women are being involved in the movement of music. Women are becoming to show who they really are by becoming singers and revealing their feelings to society. Taylor Swift is a great example of a very young talented artist who writes her own songs about feelings. These singers feel more passionate about their feelings that they have or had. "If they are not performing their own material then they cannot be expressing something "real" about themselves"(402). Society is bashing singers on revealing how they feel. For example, when someone mentioned about Sam Smith winning an award and how he stated that he thanked his boyfriend for all of his songs. If Taylor Swift said that or any other girl singer then they would be the talk of the media for a week. All female performers have credibility because they are trying to tell fans and society how they feel but yet they are being judged for it. Society works in many different ways. Many people think differently than others and have different opinions about people. What women should not be doing is portraying their bodies in ads and in music videos. It may make them happy but it is just not right. Do you want a random person seeing you naked and then judging you for it? I do not think so. Girls believe that image is everything and you have to look perfect but it is not. Media needs to change this concept and let women believe that it does not matter who they are or what they look like. It all matters on the type of person you are. Images are not everything. The people who are fat are being judged by society that is why you never see a plus sized women in a TV ad or in a magazine. Society is very judgmental when it comes to what women do and how they act. Women are just trying to portray their bodies and make men look at them and have men look at them for their sexuality and their body. Life does not work that way and women are finally coming out and revealing their feelings and whatever they say or do they get judged.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with everything you mentioned here! It's ridiculous how plus sized women are still not even on some of these magazines today when there are a lot of beautiful plus sized women. The media just wants society to believe that the only way you can gain attention from men or from anyone is to be very skinny and dress in a certain way. I believe that skinny girls and plus sized girls are beautiful because everyone body type is different. Women shouldn't be judged just because they don't want to look like what the media wants you to look. Its also so sad what you mentioned about kids wanting to dress like like if they are grown just because it's what they are shown on TV or online.
