Friday, February 27, 2015

Blog Post

Mindy Lara

February 27, 2015

Blog Post


            In class this week I learned that the way the media and men view women has changed in such a bad way over time. First off with the different videos we watched in class it clearly showed how we are just entertainment for guys and over the years are just viewed so terribly. It has gotten so much worse based off of the videos. The one that was showed to us by Nelly was practically porn as a music video and it’s so sad. This was the one out of the three videos that shocked me the most. The fact that anyone, no matter how old you are, can go on YouTube and watch a video like this is ridiculous. People that watch the video are so shocked by just the visual that they don’t get the chance to listen to the lyrics. Nelly states, “It must be her ass, cause it ain’t her face.” That has to be one of the most disrespectful things I have heard. He also states, “Girl with a great body, but a fucked up face.” This video and many like it today send messages to women that men only want them for their bodies and that getting judged off their bodies is just how things have to be, in my opinion this is how I see it. Instead of having women doing things for the right reasons, you only see them as objects for the attention of men because this is the only thing media buys.

Music in general has changed so much over time and there’s no understanding of where it will head towards in the future because of the way it is now. Music used to mean something and now some of it is created with little intention of being special. It’s a few words with a nice beat that is really catchy and that’s it. We see this a lot in genres like pop, hip hop, rap, and r&b. I believe that is one of the reasons that the videos to some of these songs are extremely ridiculous especially with women now since people know that it will get many people talking about it weather it’s in good or bad way, it still gets the attention and the views. I hate that this is the way things are and wish things could change but I feel like if the media makes people more successful by showing women the way they are doing then it’s just going to get worse every single time. Not many artist speak up about it and that just shows that they are all for that which is really sad. 


1 comment:

  1. Well said! I agree with what you say in your blog post. I found it really interesting that you included the actual lyrics, because I was too distracted by the pornographic nature of the video to pay attention to the song itself. It seems as though women are not viewed as human beings but rather as bodies that exist purely for male entertainment. We don't know where music will take is in the future, but let's hope it's a better place!
