Friday, February 13, 2015

Body Image Advertisment

Ilenny Nunez

Eng 199-003

Professor Santos

February 13, 2015

Blog post #3


                                                Body Image Advertisement

In this piece I’ll be focusing in two different companies, one of them is Victoria Secret which makes interior clothes for women, a clothing line called PINK and they also make body wash, body mist ,perfumes, and lotions. The other company is Dove which we all know that they produce body wash and things to help you stay clean and without odor.

This two different companies had two different advertsiment the one from V.S was called “Love My Body Campaing”. This advertsiment although is about the new interior products that they created which are really comforatblle to wear I also feel that the message that leaves behind is not realistic because they don’t know who they audience might be. I don’t have any problem against skinny people because some people are just born like that and  even when they eat a lot they don’t seem to gain weight; but my problem with this add is that most of this women in the add they are like “I love my body” trying to imply that if your body is not that skinny then you maybe won’t love your body. Also they need to think who they audience is because most of the times is young teengers who see this advertsiment and they take this to head and do whaterver it takes to have the perect “victoria’s secret body”, and this might drive them to become an anorexic person and have low self esteem.

In the other hand we have the Dove advertisment which is called “Real Body Campaing”. In this advertisment I saw a more positive way of approching the audience because they are trying to make women or even young teenagers to love themselves just the way they are. I belive this is a more productive way because  your color, race, or the way your body looks shouldn’t be the one that tells if you are beautiful or not, you need to accept yourself just the way you are. Also another thing that this add had positive was that a guy which took me by surprise said “women are beautiful because they are strong”, so this quote got me thinking that this is what we should all belive that we are beautiful no matter what differences we have when being compared to another women, we are all beautiful and we should accept that.

In conclusion this two advertiment brought a lot of thoughts to my mind such as for example I remember that even along time ago this was happening when women used corsets to make thir waist smaller and now this is happening but women are using surgery to do so because that’s what they see as being beautiful which is being skinny. As I said before I don’t have anything against it because I was skinny once and I loved it because sometimes is part of your health. But again the issue here is what this two ads try to imply one implies that they love their body but they are all skinny there’s not a diferent size or color.Then we have the other one with a more positive outcome were they are different in so many characteristics and all they want is for us to accept ourselves the way we are.



  1. I definitely agree with with the victoria secret advertisement.Companies should consider who their audiences are. It makes it look like we are not appreciated of what we are. To me, it is also offensive . Let imagined that it was a fat person watching it.How would you think she would feel .

  2. I completely agree with the two ads that you compare and contrast. Each are trying to send the same message, but one gets across better than the other. It's contradicting for Victoria's Secret to tell people to love their body, but yet all the girls look identical and they are really only speaking to a limited amount of people where the dove commercial is speaking to a much broader audience.

  3. I absolutely agree with these two ads. I loved the way that you compared and contrasted them . While Victoria's Secret does have great clothes, their ads are not aimed for the right audience. The Dove's ad is a perfect example of aiming for the right audience. Dove is accepting everyone in shape and size because Dove knows that everyone is beautiful. Victoria's Secret is just using these girls to get men glued to the screen because they look like toothpicks. They should pay more attention to Dove and see how an ad is suppose to be done. Very well said here Ilenny.

  4. I totally agree with the two ads that you compared. Both ads are sending the same message out to consumers. Victoria Secret tells people to love their body but if they wanted consumers to love their body they wouldnt just show skinny people. I like the dove ad more because they are saying to love everyone whether you are fat or skinny. In the dove ad I enjoyed the guy in it because it is finally telling people that men are seeing how important women actually are.
