Friday, February 20, 2015

Enlightened Sexism: Blog post 4

       In Susan Douglas Enlightened Sexism "Fantasies Of Power" , she stated "Feminism thus must remain a dirty word, with feminists ( particularly older ones) stereotyped as man-hating, child-loathing, hairy, shrill, humorless, deliberately unattractiive Ninjas from Hades" ( Page 11). In my opinion, feminism is not a dirty word, and also I don't think been a feminist  means you hate children, men and so on. It just means having the same rights and opportunities that men has. Some women are married, has children but also they still consider themselves as feminist. Been a feminist means you just want to be who you are, you letting other people hear your voice, you been the boss and taking control of your own life. That's what feminism is all about. Women don't want men to threat them like their children.

1 comment:

  1. I think what Douglas was trying to say was that in society its portrayed as that, but she doesn't look at it in that way. I think that your view on feminist and feminism is really good just be sure to expand on your thoughts a little more
