Friday, February 13, 2015

Music in the 1970's

Caroline Stevens
Blog #3


        All women have changed since the 1970's. Women are strong but one way that women wanted to show people how strong and powerful they actually are was through music. Women have rights just like men especially in the music industry. Women are expressing themselves through their music. Their songs have messages which let people know to be strong and about being the person you want to be.
        For the presentations this week my group and I talked about women and music in the 1970's. I learned a lot of information that I did not know before. Three certain singers stuck out to me the most because they are all different in their own way and have their own personality. Dolly Parton, Cher and Diana Ross. Their songs all have the same meaning because they all agree with the feminist movement. They are trying to be good influences with girls younger them and teach them that women are strong and how we are able to fight for what we believe in. In a music video that my group showed to the class was one by Cher. In this video, Cher included women who were all different sizes and looked different from one another. It just wasn't women who were a size 0 and all models. She used plus size women because we are all the same whether some of us are fat, skinny,ugly or pretty. When thinking about music in the 1970's compared to now has completely changed. Looking at Madonna and Dolly Parton comparing them to Miley Cyrus, i have no words. Miley is an example that portrays her sexuality in her music videos and on TV, for example on the Grammys two years ago. That is Miley's personality and there is nothing wrong with that. A few years ago Miley made a huge change in her life when she cut her hair and completely changed the way she dressed. Maybe it was a message to all her fans to support her and believe that that is the person she is and she is happy that way. Madonna is a very famous singer who is still today believing in feminism. Madonna is 56 years old and sometimes she dresses like she's 18. Many people would question that because most adults who are 56 would not wear anything like that. She is still an inspiration to many people.
         Believe it or not back in the 1970's, it was hard for women to be signed by companies just because they were female. If it was a male trying to be signed, he would be approved in minutes. Women are capable to do anything that men can do. These singers in the 1970's really made a big impact and showed everyone what women are capable to do. Women should be able to express themselves and not change themselves to something that they aren't. Music influences people because they have message in it that have a meaning. Women in the 1970's made a very big impact around the world, and even today the singers are continuing to express their personality and show the sides to people of who they really are.


  1. I like how you said that Cher used all different types of women in her video because... newsflash that's how it really it. I think it sends off a good message to women to embrace who they are.

  2. I like how you compared Miley Cyrus to the women from the 70's. I think she is a great example of how women should be able to express themselves freely. Miley isn't a person that is going to form herself around what society is telling her, she's going to be her own person.
