Friday, February 27, 2015

 It is always surprising  and difficult when I see women and young girls been portrayed in a sexual way. As Meredith said in her book"Women, Pop Music, And Pornography", "The landscape of female musicians drastically changed form Sarah McLachlan to Sporty Spice to Britney Spears. While there are always "trends" in music, these trends seemed to move in only one direction". And this only one direction is pornography.This quotes doesn't go for only female musicians. It goes for most of the musicians both females and males. I feel like todays music is all about pornography. Pornography is everywhere. It is in movies, tv shows, internet, phones and so on. It is disrespectful, uncomfortable, inappropriate and at the same time offensive. First of all no one wants to see someones nakedness in a music video or anything else. I understand that you also wants the people out there to notice you but that is definitely not the only way for people to notice you. There are lots of options rather than women been used as slaves in a musics. Also, most pornographic industries do not really care about who their audiences are and since it is everywhere, children can go on the internet and watch it, and after watching they would be asking questions that are off their limits. Some children might try to do the exact thing because they might think it is cool and that is the only way to be popular. It is also uncomfortable not for only rather alot of women. Lets take Nelly's video for example. Watching that video made me want to throw up and I asked myself, why would someone sign up for a disgusting video like that.It shows all women body parts and even shows the vagina. It makes me also ask myself, how do we deserve the respect that we ask for in our communties when we dont give ourself the respect first. Even though we asked for the same rights and equality as men but the body that we have doesnt belongs to us anymore even though we have it. We share it with men in music videos because we think it is cool and the only to be known in this world. Lets have some confidence to say "NO",because we are been taking advantage of by men.


  1. The idea that pornography is so accesable to young children is sickening. Exposure at a young age is contaminating and can spread like wildfire. If young kids are seeing these images in music, they are establishing a connection between sexual images and music.

  2. There needs to be a line drawn for what can be shown in videos. It's crazy to think the women can be shown this kind of way and be okay with it.
