Friday, February 6, 2015

Entry #2

Caroline Stevens
Women and Pop Culture

             In the article "Throwing Out Our Bras" by Susan Douglas, she talks about women's rights and the different types of movements that occurred in the 1960's. Todays women are nothing compared to women back in the 1960's. Women were the only ones who would take care of the kids, cook and clean the house while their husbands were the ones  working and making money. Women were not taken seriously and they began to protest but they never got their way. Women felt like they had no power and they are having trouble being seen.
             In the 1950's and 60's women were not respected. They were being used to be seen in ads, magazines, and on TV. Men were the ones getting all the attention and women felt like they were nothing. Women were also not allowed to get a degree. Today, there are more women than men who attend college and get a degree. People saw the wrong side of the women. No one believed in them, and everyone thought that they should just be housewives. In "Throwing Out Our Bras", Douglas states that "One of the things they saw were more women and more young people engaged in dangerous and disruptive oppositional politics"(145). Black women were struggling for integration and their dignity. They were also having trouble getting into college. An example of racism is Rosa Parks. Black women were having trouble with things more than white women were.
           In the beginning of the article is talks about the Miss American pageant. Douglas states that "They were there to put down the pageant and put it down they did"(139). Women wanted to finally express and show their feelings that they had for the way that they have been treated. These women had taken off their Bras and threw them because they wanted people to know that they were being treated like crap. These women did that because none of them believed in pageants. They did not believe in it because they are sick and tired of skinny and pretty women getting all the attention. The media will not allow fat girls to be shown in ads;only skinny people because those are the girls who are being seen the most. Women have rights and everyone should respect and agree with it. Women and men should have the same respect and be treated the same. Just because of their gender does not mean they should be treated different, it does not make any sense at all. Men should not have power over women, they should both have the same amount of power. Women are responsible to do things themselves and we should not be treated any differently. No one gives women the respect that they should actually earn.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you discussed woman's education, because it is such a trivial point in our history. When woman finally got to go to college after years of discrimination, it gave them a chance to prove what they were capable of. The Miss America patent was an interesting form of protest. The issue that they were protesting for still occurs today. There is a preset image of what every woman should look like. We need to keep striving to illuminate this unattainable goal.
