Friday, February 6, 2015

Feminisim and Pop Culture- Blog Entry#2

Ilenny Nunez
February 5, 2015
Blog entry #2

In chapter 2 in the book of Feminism and Pop Culture the author Zeisler focuses on the media and how women were portrayed. After reading this chapter I have gained a better understatement for Zeisler message about the influences that the media has on the lives of these women. As time progresses one of the major problems in our society has been sexism towards females in the field of work. Although it has been very difficult for women to overcome this rejection from those with power, there was a time in which women became the only resource to keep our economy stable the hiring process became more accessible.  
Zeisler points out how in 1995 more American women held jobs outside the home than at any other time up to that point… by 1960 40% including white middle class mothers worked outside their homes” By reading this quote I started to think that this was being acceptable by men because it was beneficial to the government at that time because it was convenient for them since man started to leave for war, this was the only way as I mentioned before how they could maintain the economy stable; but then once men started to come back from war women went back to what was consider being their job being in the house taking care of the kids, husband and house, and the only reason is because they weren’t needed anymore and this is the reason why I say it was because it was beneficial for them.

Another thing that Zeisler points out is how before “Twenty states had the law that married women could not be employed (Zeisler 27)”. When I read this piece in the article I honestly had to go back and re- read it because I couldn’t believe how absurd this sounds because the way I see it is that I think they try to put women down by making them believe that they can’t do the work that most man do, and maybe the one responsible for it is society because we have this set this stereotype about things that women cant do and even man about things that they neither can’t do because it will look like something women would do.

1 comment:

  1. It really is absurd, why should being a married women affect your working status! That's completely crazy that you have to rely on your spouse will make all the money that is needed to support you.
