Friday, February 13, 2015

Wonder Woman

Emily Simski
February 13, 2015
Third Blog Entry

Wonder Woman
            When people are asked who’s your favorite superhero, who’s the first person that comes to mind? Superman, Batman? Yes, there pretty well known and beloved by all. However you never hear anyone say that their favorite superhero is Wonder Woman. Not a lot of people talk about Wonder Women because people don’t believe that a women can be a superhero. This was a discussion that was brought up by one of the groups during group discussions.
            Wonder Woman was created in the 1940’s as a way for girls to be represented. However many people took this character for granted as they were drawing her wearing skimpy clothing and having large breasts just so she would be noticed by men. However no one seems to be aware that Wonder Women wasn't that girl who was fussing about her hair and worried that her outfit would get mud on it. She was a superhero who used her famous bracelets to stop bullets as well as beat up bad guys to save the day. It also comes as no surprise that she’s the only female superhero as of right now. This way women have someone that they can look up to as a role model.
            It makes me upset when people look at Wonder Women and just see a beautiful sex object wearing skimpy and tight clothing fighting off Nazis during the 1940s. However in the discussion, there were people talking in a video clip about how Wonder Women never let her looks stop her from saving the day. I can honestly say that when I was growing up and saw Wonder Woman for the first time, I was happy as well as amazed because I thought that it was time to have some girl power in this line up of superheroes. She’s still one of my favorite (if not my all-time favorite) superhero because while she does have a secret identity just like any superhero, she wasn't afraid to spring into action.

            Wonder Woman is a character who was created for women to feel free to stand with their hands on their hips because this was about the give women the power to feel on top as well as feel powerful. She also over the years been sexualized be different companies on TV due to wanting to get more people to look at her beauty instead of her girl power. However women over the years have seen Wonder Woman as a way to feel like they can be powerful and not have to worry about looks. I for one am glad that they have decided to create female superheroes so that everyone can save the day. With her red, white and blue costume, high-heeled red boots, bullet resistant bracelets and dark locks pulled back with a golden headband, Wonder Women continues to be an inspiration for girl as well as defeat Nazis and save innocent people one action at a time. 


  1. I agree with you on what you said here. Seeing Wonder Woman all I thought was wow, finally they are letting us know that all women are strong and powerful. Women are only focusing on how they look and their body images, but if women look at wonder woman then they can finally believe in themselves that all women are strong and special in their own ways.

  2. I am also glad they made female superheroes and think there should be more of them! I agree with everything you say here about Wonder Woman and how she is a sex symbol. She should be known more for her powerful and strong ways instead of her looks and body.

  3. I completely agree with your view point on Wonder Woman. She is should be seen as a symbol for women empowerment rather than just a sexual object. I also like how you put in your personal experience of how you saw her as a child.

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