Friday, February 6, 2015

Blog Post #2

Gina Lagrotteria
February 6, 2015
Entry 2
Throwing Out Our Bra’s
In the chapter “Throwing Out Our Bras” it makes many points that relate to feminism.

One of the things stated in the chapter is “Advertisers defined the emancipated woman as one who wore miniskirts, paper dressed, and Rudi Gerneich bathing suits, a sort of James Bond girl who was sexually liberated, meaning she was willing and available, if not downright promiscuous. “(152). I feel as this representation portrayed is accurately stated. The media does not see women as an actual human being, we are portrayed as objects. We are portrayed to be weak and vulnerable. Seeing women in advertisements also impacts the way that women see themselves. They think that they need to look better, and find points about themselves that they want to alter or change. I know myself personally that when I see an advertisement of pretty, skinny, perfect skin, long brown hair, I wish I could look just like them. I want to be them, I want to look as good as they do.
            The music was even starting to represent their feelings. “For the most part rock and pop music was more political than ever, attacking militarism, materialism, and sexual representation. It made girls like me receptive to the kind of rebellion we would see in Atlantic City in 1968.”(149) The music being in this time period , gave women a sense of hope. They felt like for the first time that they were actually getting some representation.
            One of the major events that relates to feminism is the Miss America Pageant of 1968 in Atlantic City. They did not go to this event to watch the event but rather they went to protest. They wanted to put an end to the pageant. This is the time that women started to take a stand against their rights and views in society. I do not agree with the Miss America Pageants at all, I think the women that they choose do not accurately represent the women culture. I feel like the women are chosen because they have the most fakeness to them, or they have the “perfect” body. I would agree with it more if there were women selected that actually had meat on their bones. Women should not have to be put down because of seeing half naked fake women on there television screen or back then attending the event.
            Throwing Out Our Bra’s is a piece that is greatly written that gives important information regarding the feminist women and how women felt about it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you said especially the part about the media seeing women as only a sexual object. The way women are being portrayed by the media definitely has an impact on the way that a women views herself.
