Friday, February 13, 2015

Olivia Lakes
Prof. Melissa Santos
13 February 2015
Discussion 1 Reflection
            The topic of my groups discussion was advertisements, so we all decided to find an advertisement that we would talk about that portrayed some stereotype in mainstream media about women. The advertisement I picked was for food products like Hamburger Helper and Cheerios. I talked about how these type of print ads and commercials always show the women or mothers in the kitchen and the fathers coming home from work or just sitting on the couch/table waiting to eat, and how because of commercials like this, we have further set in stone the pre existing sex roles that we are pressured into conforming to.
I think that everyone in my group picked an ad that had substance and created a well flowing discussion throughout our presentation. I think that although we presented without much of a visual aid, we were able to spark conversation with our peers and engage in thoughtful discussion. Everyone in the group contributed equally and I think that the way we presented our information worked well. We all had individual ideas and were able to speak on them with enough time for questions and comments in between, and due to the topics, we were able to get a dialogue going that helped us learn more about what we presented through others in class.

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