Friday, February 27, 2015

Music/ Pop Culture

Lauren Turcotte
Feb. 27 2015
Blog post

Music/Pop Culture
In class today we talked a lot about grunge music and how it was pretty much male dominant. Women eventually started to emerge and produce this particular type of music. Gender is what plays the major role in this topic. Women were supposed to be into pop music and not to be taken seriously. Women were supposed to write pop music and be cute. I think at first the media wasn't sure what to make of it because it seemed like such a male type of style. It was very rock mixed with a lot of yelling in my opinion. The women who participated in this style of music were really showing what they were feeling. They expressed their views on the world and I think people found it kind of intimidating. This is what lead into the idea of the disappearing women. The fact that women were not supposed to be into this type of music the media decided that it would be best to pretend they didn't exist. Because the media was trying to ignore the women and their grunge style music, they were able to produce their own music.

Women in pop culture, even today never seem to be taken seriously. Taylor Swift for instance, all her songs always seem to revolve around ex -boyfriends  and she gets a lot of slack for it. On one side people feel for her because she is really singing her feeling in her her songs, but on the other side people could take it as she is trying to get attention by the media. Some people feel that if an artist doesn't write their own music then it isn't sincere or true. I think that it depends on the way the artist sings the song. Obviously they wouldn't sing the song if it had connection to them at all. The artist can put all the feeling into the song then it doesn't really matter whether or not they actually write the song. 

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