Emily Simski
February 20, 2015
Fourth Blog Entry
vs. Regular Moms
in the 90s were starting to develop more of themselves as well as create a name
for themselves. Also, this was the period that women were also having children because
they wanted to bring a little beauty into the world. However people still are criticizing
women due to not being the mothers that television portrays as Susan Douglas
discusses in the chapter “I’m Not a
Feminist, But…” in her book Where the
Girls Are.
there are these images that women who have kids are supposed to be these “supermoms”
who have the power to fulfill all the needs of her family, her career and her
life. This makes real-life mothers, according to Douglas, feel “humiliated,
especially if she has a job as oppose to a career”. Why should we judge women
based on a career vs. a job? The REAL job that women have is the job of being
able to take care of her children (if she wants to have one). I don’t see any
mothers on TV waking up at 2:00 am every single night to check on their
children. Also in the morning you see them totally rested and acting as if
their baby didn’t make a single peep all night. Now compare that to a real life
mother; you know, let’s compare this mother to MY mother. When I was a baby in
the 90s, (and according to my mother, still am the baby), she always talked
about how she’d always wake up in the middle of the night to check up on me,
and my dad never checked on me once. She did this while having a job of
cleaning houses during the day as well. So she would leave in the morning and
go clean a house or two and then come home and take care of me and my two older
my mother has now become a housewife as I got older, she’s what I call a real
supermom. However in the 90s, “motherhood was being turned into a competition
about who was more of the “perfect mother””. Why do we need a competition?
Everyone is perfect for who they are! My mother did her job by raising three kids
pretty much on her own because my dad was never that involved, but I turned out
fine! Rosanne Barr had this line in one of her stand-up routines: “If the kids
are five, I’ve done my job”. This was a line that connected with a lot of
mothers at this time who loved their kids. However motherhood wasn’t that easy because
sometimes it would be frustrating, boring and time consuming. However you won’t
see this with TV moms because it’s usually the nannies or helpers taking care
of the kids (in some shows). However if I had to choose between a “supermom” or
my own mother, I’m choosing my own mother because I know with her, I’ll get the
REAL love, support and “girl power” then I’ll ever see on TV with the so-called
I agree with you that TV moms make the job look a whole lot easier. I know that being a mom is definitely not as easy as it seems on television.